Board Nominations
As Australasia’s premier financial services membership organisation with 135+ years of legacy, we seek professionals who are interested in serving on our Board, and who have suitable and diverse backgrounds and experience to help us drive our mission and objectives.
FINSIA – the Financial Services Institute of Australasia – is Australasia’s leading membership organisation for the financial services industry.
FINSIA's heritage is over 135 years of progressing financial services knowledge and conduct to high standards. More importantly than ever, FINSIA is the connector of key stakeholders, industry regulators, government and education providers to help deepen trust in financial services by raising standards of professionalism. FINSIA enables the advancement of competence and integrity for the benefit of professionals, customers and society.
Nominations are open for the election of FINSIA Directors in 2025.
To nominate a candidate, please download the nomination form below.
The Board is calling for nominations from Members who would like to be considered for a role as a non-Executive Director.
Following a review of our strategy and the succession needs of FINSIA and its Board, the following skills, experience and/or attributes have been identified as important or additional elements being considered for the next Board non-Executive Director appointments:
Experience in an executive or non-executive role with not-for-profit or other membership bodies.
Experience in oversight or leadership of business and strategic planning, including commercial, legal, people and culture, and financial diligence processes.
Experience in a customer service centric environment.
In keeping with the Constitution, the Board is also seeking to ensure diversity amongst the Board Directors, including age, gender identity, ethnicity/cultural background and regional representation.
Professional Members (i.e. Life Member, Senior Fellow, Fellow, Senior Associate or Associate) can nominate for the Board using the prescribed nomination form. The Director Nominations Committee review each nomination, interview candidates and advise the Nominations and Remuneration Committee of the Board on the suitability of each nomination having regard to FINSIA’s published selection criteria. The Director Nominations Committee conducts a rigorous interview process to ensure that the most suitable candidates are put forward.
If the number of nominations received is equal to or less than the number of positions, no ballot is required. Where an election is required, it will be held before the next Annual General Meeting (AGM). A duly appointed Returning Officer will advise members of the procedures for electronic voting via an election website. The result of the election will be declared at the AGM.
The following Directors, automatically retire from office at the conclusion of each annual general meeting:
(a) any Director filling a casual vacancy at the time of the sending of notices of that meeting;
(b) any Director who has held office for 3 or more consecutive annual general meetings or more than 3 years since the annual general meeting at which they were last elected.
A Director retiring from office is eligible for re-election, but no Director can hold office for more than 3 consecutive terms. For this purpose, terms are “consecutive” unless broken by a period of at least 12 months.
There are no Directors who fall within paragraph (a) above. Four Directors fall within paragraph (b) above, being Mr Alan Bardwell, Mr Paul Riordan, Dr Chris Yates and Mr Rod Jackson.
A nomination must be received in writing using the prescribed nomination form. It must include the written consent of the candidate and be signed by two Members who are Senior Fellows. A nomination must also include a brief statement (200 words maximum) setting out the candidate’s qualifications and experience in the financial services industry and any other relevant information having regard to the skills and experience outlined above, which are set out in more detail in the Terms of Reference document. Candidates should address the details contained in the Terms of Reference document and attachments (as set out in the linked document referred to above) in their statement.
Nominations must be received by the Company Secretary no later than 5.00pm Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEDT) on 21 February 2025. Candidates must be available for interviews during the week of 18-21 March 2025 (all dates inclusive).
For a comprehensive understanding of the requirements and selection criteria, please download and review the Terms of Reference document.
View The Constitution and By-Laws of FINSIA.
For any questions, contact the Company Secretary at
FINSIA Gateway Tower, Level 19, 1 Macquarie Place Sydney NSW 2000,
phone +61 2 9275 7900 or email [email protected].