Director Nominations Committee
The FINSIA Board has established a process to assist the selection and election of Directors to the Board. The Director Nominations Committee has been established, as a sub-committee of the Nominations & Remuneration Committee.
The objectives of the Director Nominations Committee are to fairly and objectively seek and nominate qualified candidates for election or appointment to the FINSIA Board, who best serve the strategic imperatives of the Institute.
The Committee’s role is to determine whether a candidate’s skill, experience, industry sector, competencies and qualities – as set out in the criteria in the Board Charter and the Board matrix –meet the identified skills gaps that the Board is seeking to fill at this current time.
Following the director nomination process, the Committee may interview members who have nominated as candidates in the board election. The Committee then advises the Nominations & Remuneration committee whether the Board should recommend each candidate to members for election as a director. After considering the Committee’s advice, the Board then decides which candidate(s) it will recommend to the membership for election as a director in the ballot process.
FINSIA’s Director Nominations Committee (DNC) currently consists of the following Members:
Ms Victoria Weekes, SF FIN, DNC Chair and immediate former FINSIA President
Mr David Cox, F FIN, DNC Member and FINSIA President
Mr David Gall, SF FIN, DNC Member and former FINSIA President
Ms Fiona Balzer, SF FIN, DNC Member
Mr Alasdair Jeffrey, F FIN, DNC Member