Director Nominations Committee

The FINSIA Board has established a process to assist the selection and election of Directors to the Board. The Director Nominations Committee has been established, as a sub-committee of the Nominations & Remuneration Committee.

Alasdair Jeffrey

Director Nominations Committee

Member, Director Nominations Committee

With more than 30 years of communication experience in Australia and internationally, Alasdair has managed corporate and investor communication programs for a broad range of organisations in diverse markets.

Alasdair Jeffrey is the Managing Director of Rowland, responsible for leading client offerings and internal operations.

Alasdair is an expert in the field of strategic corporate communication, and media and reputation management. He specialises in strategic issues management advice with an emphasis on listed companies and financial transactions. His knowledge of capital markets has allowed Alasdair to work on some of the most significant issues and transactions in Australia and internationally.

Alasdair has been a public affairs and issues management advisor to major corporations in Australia and the United Kingdom. He also worked in London as Executive Vice-President of Investor Relations for a global telecommunications equipment company listed in the FTSE-100 and on NASDAQ.

He previously held senior consulting positions in London and Brisbane. He also holds a Master of Business Administration from the London Business School and is a Director of Independent Schools Queensland and St Peters Lutheran College.

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David Cox

Director Nominations Committee

PRESIDENT | Appointed 26 May 2022
BOARD MEMBER | Appointed 28 May 2020
Chair, Nominations and Remuneration Committee
Member, Director Nominations Committee

David has more than 25 years’ experience in Australia, New York and the Middle East. David has a strong knowledge of the financial services sector, having worked with a broad cross section of the industry, including banks, brokers, exchanges, fintechs, leasing companies, payment providers, private equity and non bank financiers.

He is also a recognised regulatory expert, having advised a range of local and international banks.

David joined the FINSIA board on 28 February 2020 and was appointed as President on 26 May 2022. David has previously served as a member of the FINSIA Consumer Finance Advisory Group and as Chair of the FINSIA Institutional Markets Council.

FINSIA Member since 12 March 2004. 

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David Gall

Director Nominations Committee

Member, Director Nominations Committee

David Gall is the Group Executive for Corporate and Institutional Banking (C&IB) at NAB. He has over 30 years of experience in corporate and retail banking, working capital services, risk and payments.

David leads a global team that provides market-leading expertise to publicly listed companies and large privately owned corporations. He is committed to helping customers prosper and contribute to the growth of the economy and local communities. David is also passionate about sustainability and aims to make NAB the leading Australian bank for global renewable transactions. He is a strong advocate for diversity and inclusion and supports continuous learning opportunities for banking professionals.

David holds a Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Business and Master of Business Administration (Exec) and is a Senior Fellow of FINSIA.

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Fiona Balzer

Director Nominations Committee
Australian Shareholders Association

I am an investment/governance professional with in depth financial and corporate governance experience as a buy-side equities analyst. I have managed policy engagement for the Australian Shareholders? Association, serving on ASX Corporate Governance Council at the introduction and first review of the Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations.

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Victoria Weekes

Director Nominations Committee
Bendigo and Adelaide Bank

Chartered Banker SF FIN
Chair, Director Nominations Committee

Victoria is a seasoned non-executive director with experience across a diverse range of business sectors built on senior executive experience in financial services, including Citigroup and Westpac.

Victoria is currently a director of listed companies, the Bendigo and Adelaide Bank (ASX:BEN) and Alcidion Group (ASX:ALC), a leading healthcare technology provider. She also serves as the Chair of Pinnacle Housing Partnerships Limited, an AXA subsidiary.

Victoria is also the immediate past Deputy Chair of St George Community Housing (SGCH) having served on various SGCH Boards since 2013. Victoria has held numerous non-executive roles in State and Federal government bodies, on boards in financial services, public health, property and agriculture, and the not-for-profit sector. Victoria’s is a passionate advocate for gender equality and was inaugural Chair of the Australian Gender Equality Council.

Victoria was appointed to the Board of FINSIA in 2013, has also been the immediate past President of FINSIA

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The objectives of the Director Nominations Committee are to fairly and objectively seek and nominate qualified candidates for election or appointment to the FINSIA Board, who best serve the strategic imperatives of the Institute.

The Committee’s role is to determine whether a candidate’s skill, experience, industry sector, competencies and qualities – as set out in the criteria in the Board Charter and the Board matrix –meet the identified skills gaps that the Board is seeking to fill at this current time.

Following the director nomination process, the Committee may interview members who have nominated as candidates in the board election. The Committee then advises the Nominations & Remuneration committee whether the Board should recommend each candidate to members for election as a director. After considering the Committee’s advice, the Board then decides which candidate(s) it will recommend to the membership for election as a director in the ballot process.

FINSIA’s Director Nominations Committee (DNC) currently consists of the following Members:

  • Ms Victoria Weekes, SF FIN, DNC Chair and immediate former FINSIA President

  • Mr David Cox, F FIN, DNC Member and FINSIA President

  • Mr David Gall, SF FIN, DNC Member and former FINSIA President

  • Ms Fiona Balzer, SF FIN, DNC Member

  • Mr Alasdair Jeffrey, F FIN, DNC Member