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Terms and Conditions


FINSIA, its officers, employees, agents and advisers: 

  • Are not responsible, or liable for, the accuracy, currency and reliability of any information appearing on the FINSIA website
  • Make no express or implied representation or warranty that any estimate or forecast will be achieved or that any statement as to future matters contained in this website will prove correct. 
  • Expressly disclaim any and all liability arising from the information contained in this website including, without limitation, errors in, or omissions contained in that information. 
  • Except so far as liability under any statute cannot be excluded, accept no responsibility arising in any way from errors in, or omissions from this website, or in negligence. 
  • Accept no liability for any loss or damage suffered by any person as a result of that person, or any other person, placing any reliance on the contents of this website.
  • Assume no duty of disclosure or fiduciary duty to any interested party. 



FINSIA claims copyright ownership of all information on this website, unless expressly stated otherwise. 


Links to other sites 

FINSIA's website contains links to the websites of other organisations. FINSIA does not necessarily endorse or support the views, opinions, standards or information contained within these linked websites. FINSIA does not accept any responsibility or liability for any loss, damage, cost or expense you might incur as a result of the use of, or reliance upon, the materials which appear at any linked site. 

FINSIA respects the intellectual property rights of others. You should be aware that material found on linked sites is likely to be protected by copyright and may also contain trademarks and other protected information. It is your responsibility to use the material on each linked site in accordance with the site's specific terms and conditions of use. 



As part of my application for FINSIA Membership I agree that I will be bound by the provisions of the Constitution and the rules, regulations, by-laws and procedural policies of FINSIA as laid down from time to time, including any disciplinary procedures. 

I agree to conform to the Code of Conduct of FINSIA. 

I confirm that the information provided by me in the membership form is in all respects correct and complete. I consent to this information being used by FINSIA in considering my membership application or the imposition of disciplinary procedures. 

I acknowledge that FINSIA reserves the right to refuse my application for membership without assigning any reason. 

I agree that FINSIA may use my personal information in the provision, administration, improvement or promotion of products and services relevant to FINSIA’s membership activities. 

I agree to abide by FINSIA’s rules with respect to payment of subscriptions and fees. I understand that FINSIA is a company limited by guarantee and that my guarantee is limited to $2.00 

I understand that under the Constitution, Certificates of Membership remain the property of FINSIA and must be returned on cessation of Membership. 

I have never: 

  • Been convicted under the law of any jurisdiction of any offence in connection with corporations, involving fraud or dishonesty punishable on conviction by imprisonment. 
  • Been disqualified or suspended from managing corporations. 
  • Had a financial services license revoked or cancelled, been suspended as a financial services licensee, or been banned from acting as a representative of a licensed dealer or investment adviser. 
  • Been expelled or suspended from membership of anybody conducting a stock market or futures exchange in Australia or elsewhere. 
  • Had disciplinary action taken against me which has resulted in the banning of direct participation in the activities of such a body, or the banning of employment by an entity that directly participates in such activities. 


FINSIA reserves the right to cancel membership of a member if any of the above are breached in addition to any breaches of the code of conduct. The disciplinary action is outlined in the code of conduct



FINSIA requires the information provided by you as part of your membership application to administer and manage your membership. Please refer to FINSIA’s privacy policy


Continuing Professional Development (CPD) 

Participants may be able to apply CPD hours allocated to each event. It is the individual's obligation to determine relevance of CPD to their license conditions.  



Membership refunds 

Membership fees will not be refunded by FINSIA except under the following circumstances: 

  • Where an application for membership is declined by FINSIA; and/or 
  • Where exceptional circumstances prevent a member from continuing their membership (written applications will be assessed on a case-by-case basis). 

Professional Development and Event refunds 

  • FINSIA reserves the right to alter the event, program or presenter(s) without notice, however the event or program is intended to run as advertised. FINSIA reserves the right to cancel this activity due to insufficient numbers; registrants will be notified if this occurs, and payment refunded in full. 
  • Individual cancellations must be advised in writing and received by FINSIA before 5pm AEST, 10 working days prior to the start of the event. 
  • Group cancellations must be advised in writing by 5pm AEST, 10  working days prior to the start of the event. These cancellations will be refunded in full. Refunds will not be granted if a registrant fails to attend an event or cancels less than the required working days before the activity. Substitutions may be made at any time subject to the applicable registration rate where an additional payment may apply.
  • Registrations must be accompanied by full payment. Registrants will be liable for payment in the event of non-attendance unless cancellation or request for transfer is made. 
  • Refunds will be processed within 10 working days of cancellation via the same method used for payment. Covid-19 is impacting our refund processing times and you may experience a delay in receiving your refund. 
  • In all circumstances, the liability of FINSIA is limited to a complete refund of any fees for the event or membership concerned. 

Education Refunds 

All enrolment and exam fees are non-refundable and non-transferable (unless under exceptional circumstances and with the prior agreement with FINSIA). 

In all circumstances, the liability of FINSIA is limited to a complete refund of any enrolment fees for the module(s) concerned. 




FINSIA may review and modify its Terms and Conditions periodically.  You acknowledge that these Terms and Conditions may be modified by FINSIA from time to time, including but not limited to terms relating to fees and charges, enrolment and cancellation Awarding Body.

FINSIA’s key partners include:

The Chartered Bankers Institute (the Institute) - The Professional Banking Fundamentals (PBF), Certified Professional Banker (CPB), the Chartered Banker and the Chartered Banker by Experience have been developed in consultation and approval by the Chartered Banking Institute (UK). The Chartered Banker Institute is a trading name of the Chartered Institute of Bankers, a registered charity.

The Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI) – FINSIA offers several courses designed by CISI, based in the United Kingdom. These have been selected for relevance to the Australian Market.

Asian Banking School - The Artificial Intelligence in Finance certificate has been developed and is awarded jointly by the Asian Banking School and the Centre of Finance, Technology and Entrepreneurship (CFTE). (CFTE).

Further details of FINSIA’s partners can be found on their websites.


To be awarded the relevant qualification and/or certificate associated with the specific enrolment, students must pass the assessment activity and meet the assessment requirements associated with their enrolment:

The Chartered Bankers Institute – All assessments are delivered online via the Janisons Insights assessment platforms. The assessments are supervised under standard examination conditions using record and review functionality. For further details on the technical requirements of Janison Insights platforms and their testing and invigilation policies please refer to the exam booking guides on FINSIA’s learning management system.

The enrolment fee includes an initial assessment attempt. Should an assessment resit be required for the Professional Banking Fundamentals program or the modules within the Certified Professional Banker program, a fee of $165 (AUD) or $189.75 (NZD) is payable to FINSIA prior to rebooking an assessment.  

The resit fee for the Certificate in Green and Sustainable Finance and the Certificate in Climate Risk is £145 (GBP), payable directly to the Chartered Banker Institute prior to rebooking an assessment. 

The modules within the Chartered Banker are assessed through a 6,000 word assignment submitted through the Turnitin platform for assessor marking. The overall pass mark for each module is 60%. Any submission that does not achieve this mark is graded a fail. Students are permitted to resubmit a revised assignment (a resubmission fee of £120 (GBP) is payable directly to the Chartered Banker Institute).

Those students who are completing the Chartered Banker by Experience program will undertake a series of reflective statements, an assignment and an assessor interview aligned to the assessment criteria. Students are provided 12 months to complete this qualification. If you wish to extend a fee of £500 (GBP) is payable directly to the Chartered Banker Institute. CISI – All courses are assessed by an online exam. The enrolment fee includes an initial assessment attempt. Should an assessment resit be required the following resit fees apply and are payable directly to FINSIA prior to rebooking an assessment:

  • $230 for Combatting Financial Crime
  • $415 for Global Financial Compliance
  • $415 for Risk in Financial Services 

Asian Banking School - All online courses are assessed by an online quiz to test the assimilation of knowledge. This can be attempted multiple times without extra cost.

FINSIA - The enrolment fee includes an initial assessment attempt. Should an assessment resit be required for the relevant program a resit fee is payable to FINSIA prior to rebooking an assessment. The resit fee will be confirmed at the time of enrolment. 

Assessment Results

Where enrolment fees have been paid by the student’s employer, FINSIA will notify the employer of the student’s assessment results unless explicitly instructed otherwise by the student and confirmed by their employer:

  • The Chartered Bankers Institute – the results for multiple choice assessments are provided at the conclusion of the exam, however, remain subject to verification by the Awarding Body. The notification of results for assessments that require written responses will be provided to students within six weeks. This timeframe ensures sufficient time for marking and Awarding Body verification.
  • Chartered Banker and Chartered Banker by Experience results will be published under ‘My Learning’ in the Members Portal, six weeks after the assignment has been submitted. All students will receive a results letter and a certificate on completion of a module. 
  • CISI – results are displayed online after completion of the course.
  • Asian Banking School – online courses display results immediately online after each assessment.
  • FINSIA – online courses display results immediately online after each assessment (where relevant).

Students who successfully complete their qualification will be sent their award certificates once the Awarding Body requirements have been met. Please refer to the specific course brochure or website for more detail.

Qualification Pre-requisites

Some courses may have pre-requisites. Please refer to the course website for more details.

Course Enrolment & FINSIA Membership

Membership of FINSIA is mandatory whilst studying with FINSIA. In some instances, FINSIA may include complimentary or subsided student membership as part of the enrolment fee.

Prospective students should enrol by clicking on the “Enrol Now” button on the FINSIA website 

Further information on member requirements and benefits can be accessed on the FINSIA website.

Any breach of FINSIA’s Code of Conduct may result in the termination of membership and will not be eligible for a refund of enrolment fees. The Code of Conduct can be found by clicking here.

FINSIA will process a student’s membership and enrolment as promptly as possible. Payment details must be verified and authorised before membership or enrolment can be activated. This will occur on the payments page during enrolment.

We reserve the right to reject or cancel any membership or enrolment at any time. If a payment method is invalid, or payment is otherwise rejected, the membership or enrolment may automatically be cancelled, and access revoked.  

The following qualifications require the payment of an annual designation fee to the Chartered Banker Institute in order to retain the qualification’s designation. As at September 2023 this fee is $77 AUD or $89 NZD. The designation fee is payable to FINSIA who will remit it to the Institute on the student’s behalf. The designation fee applies to the following qualifications:

  • Chartered Banker
  • Chartered Banker by Experience

The Chartered Banker Institute may require the payment of a designation for some of their own programs. This payment would be made directly to them. Please refer to the Chartered Banker Institute’s website for further detail on which of their programs require the payment of an ongoing designation fee.

Employer Support

Many organisations have their own policies covering the payment of fees for undertaking external education programs. As such, students are advised to check with their employers prior to making an application, to understand if their education funding will be supported.

Refund of Fees

All membership, exam and enrolment fees are non-refundable and non-transferable (unless under prior agreement with FINSIA.

Validity of Enrolment

Students must enrol for and complete all assessment activities within their specific course in the allocated timeframe. Students who have not passed the assessment requirements within this period may be required to re-enrol for the program and pay the full program fee in order to complete the assessment.

A student can request an enrolment extension for which an additional fee may be charged. Any extension requests require approval from FINSIA Education. To apply for an extension please contact [email protected]. We will confirm whether your request for an extension has been approved and how long an extension has been granted, as well as any fees payable once we receive your request.

Issue of Award Certificates

Students who successfully complete their qualification will be sent their award certificates (post Awarding Body verification, if required). For qualifications such as the Certified Professional Banker that require successful completion of multiple modules individual “certificates of completion” will also be supplied for each module.

Depending on the course, certificates will either be available online or be sent to the student’s preferred address unless other arrangements have been made (such as sent via an employer).

A reissue of a certificate will incur a cost. The amount will be advised at the time of the request. (As of 1st October 2021, the cost is $15).

Chartered Banker Institute – Certificates are posted to the students preferred address.

CISI and the Asian Banking School – Online certificates are awarded after completing the course.

FINSIA – Online certificates are awarded after completing the course.

Where fees are outstanding, certificates will be withheld until those fees have been fully paid.

Where a reprint of a certificate is requested, please contact [email protected]. A certificate reprint fee of $15 is payable at the time of the request.

A certificate can be reissued in the following circumstances:

  • Incorrect spelling of name.
  • Original certificate lost, stolen, destroyed, not received or damaged.  

Please note that replacement certificates: 

  • Will bear the name of the student as they were known at the time when the original certificate was issued. Students who are gender reassigned can apply for a replacement certificate which will be issued in their new name. 
  • Can only be issued to the student and not to third parties. 
  • Always show the qualification the individual passed.

Continuing Professional Development

For students who are members of FINSIA, undertaking Continuing Professional Development (CPD) activities ensures that professional qualifications do not become obsolete and allows them to keep their knowledge current.

Certain FINSIA members are required to meet specific CPD requirements, as outlined in FINSIA’s CPD policy. This can be accessed via the FINSIA website. Members who are currently studying with FINSIA for further qualifications should note these study hours count towards meeting their annual CPD requirements.

Change of Circumstances

Students must inform FINSIA of any relevant change in circumstances such as a change in employment or updated contact details. For students who are members, these amendments can be made via the members portal.


All students of FINSIA are expected to display the highest standards of professionalism and a commitment to ethical conduct. To help members recognise and maintain these high standards of behaviour, FINSIA has a Code of Conduct. Any breach of FINSIA’s Code of Conduct may result in the termination of your membership and you will not be eligible for a refund.

All alleged disciplinary breaches are assessed by a Disciplinary Committee Panel. A range of sanctions may apply to members who are subsequently found guilty including:

  • Being issued with a warning letter.
  • A reduction in any mark previously awarded in an assessment.
  • The requirement to re-sit any assessment or
  • A temporary or permanent banning from membership of FINSIA.

Liability of Students

  • It is each student’s personal responsibility to ensure that enrolment fees (and any other applicable fees) are paid by the due date. This applies even when fees are being paid by employers. FINSIA reserves the right to withhold services to students where fees are outstanding. This includes the right to refuse enrolment in qualifications, access to assessments and issue of award certificates.

Customer information

  • You agree that any errors or incorrect personal information you provide to FINSIA are your responsibility and FINSIA is not liable for any consequences that may arise. 
  • You agree that any errors made in entering your personal information are your responsibility to report to FINSIA within 7 days of becoming aware of the error. No refund will be provided to you in relation to any claim you make because of such an error.
  • To the extent permitted by law, FINSIA is not liable to you for any loss or damage incurred by you in connection with your membership subscription or education enrolment, whether direct, consequential, special, indirect or other loss or damage.
  • For further information on how FINSIA deals with personal information please refer to FINSIA’s privacy policy.

Liability of FINSIA

In all circumstances, the liability of FINSIA is limited to complete refund of any enrolment fees for the modules(s) concerned.

Assessment Appeals and Complaints

In situations where a student feels there were circumstances which affected their ability to complete the assessment (such as illness, material technical issues, or adverse environmental factors), FINSIA (and your employer if they are paying your enrolment fees) should be contacted within three working days. Any claim must be supported by relevant evidence, such as medical documentation and sent to [email protected].

FINSIA will respond to all appeals claims within 14 days of receiving it. For further detail on how FINSIA manages appeals, please refer to the FINSIA Assessment Appeals and Complaints Policy which can be accessed by contacting [email protected].

Assessment Arrangements for Students with Accessibility Needs

FINSIA acknowledges that accepting an enrolment from a student with accessibility needs may require some adjustments to be made regarding assessments, to accommodate the particular support needs of the individual. It should also be noted that a student with accessibility needs, or a specific learning difficulty may or may not require special arrangements to be put in place. For further detail on how FINSIA accommodates accessibility arrangements, please refer to the FINSIA Accessibility Policy which can be accessed by contacting [email protected].

Any special arrangements put in place must not compromise the academic credibility of the assessment, nor put the student at a disadvantage compared to the other students by preventing them from adequately demonstrating their achievement of learning outcomes. Similarly, those special arrangements must not give the student an unfair advantage over other students.

Credly Privacy Cause

Please note that sharing your details with Credly is integral to the account creation process. When you accept a badge, you acknowledge and agree to share your information with Credly which will be retained as long as your account remains active. In the event of non-acceptance, all associated data will be promptly purged. 

Credly is committed to adhering to data privacy laws and maintains several ISO certifications to ensure the confidentiality and security of your shared data. For more information, please visit