Course Overview

This microlearning course explains how financial statements are structured, their purpose and the key components that financial statements contain. The course provides practical knowledge to help you to critically analyse financial statements to better understand a business’s financial performance.


Who is this for?

This course is suitable for banking and allied professionals. The course is designed to provide practical tools and information to help you better understand how to read financial statements and how to use financial statements to understand business performance.


What do I get when I finish the course?

You’ll be eligible for a digital badge, issued by FINSIA and Credly. This badge can be shared across your online platforms.

For further details, click here.

Professional Skills
Financial Skills

What you will learn

  • Understand how financial statements are structured.

  • Describe and explain how a balance sheet, profit and loss statement and cash flow statement are constructed and their importance in understanding a business’s financial performance.

  • Demonstrate awareness of additional information that may be provided in addition to the financial statements of a business.

Course Structure

The course material is presented online to give you maximum flexibility – study when and where it suits your schedule. Access to the content is available for 3 months.